Sunday, 19 February 2012


There are two types of proceeding:

1)         Within the house
2)         Outside the house

It means such activities which are purely related to parliament during session.
There are some activities which are not related to parliament that called parliamentary non-proceedings. It is related to both upper and lower house.

There are some are reasons and justifications before speaking in parliament. After Bhutto is the rules of parliament are emended.
In 1993, Pakistan People Party came into power 2nd times and there was fighting at all the doors of parliament. Ministers sit over there. Parliament is main source of news. Newspaper and T.V. sends their most expert reporters to coverage of parliamentary proceeding. Media usually gives wide coverage for it.

i)          QUESTION HOURS:                                              (وقفہ سوالات)
It means the duration in which minister are responsible to answer of questions. There are rules that any members of national assembly wants to ask questions. Submit the questions before national assembly secretariat. Then it sends to the relevant ministry. The specific questions and their answer and timing and name of that member and three supplementary questions can be asks. Reporters are also provided the agenda. You should be alert and vigilance what questions is asked and what answer is given.
Some time media makes headline due to importance of answers by ministers.
ii)         ADJOURNMENT (SUSPENSION) MOTION:                (تحریک التوا)
Adjournment motion is moved soon after question hour but most of the time adjournment motion is not mention in agenda.
It’s about the national issue i.e. power, food, fuel crisis then it is the right of the member of the house. They can submit motion in the national assembly. Then speaker asks to the relevant minister. Then rules are suspended. Members move to the particular motion. Motion are usually submitted a day before. Then it inform to the minister to proper answer. Those who leave the adjournment motion they highlight it.
Soon after the adjured motion rest of the proceedings are taken up.

iii)        CALL ATTENTION NOTICE:                             (توجہ دلاؤ نوٹس)
It’s is a motion which is moved by any parliamentarian in order to draw the attention of government on a particular issue. It can be moved by any member of parliament.
Call Attention Notice are automatically taken if issues are on agenda, then the relevant minister respond.

iv)        PRIVILEGE MOTION:                                          (تحریک استحقاق)
            Ministers are definitely representator of general people.
It’s about the rights of the parliaments.
            What are the rights of parliament?
§  No member can be arrested when the session is going on without the permission of the speaker (chairman)
§  In normal days no member can be arrested without reason.
§  If the parliamentarian goes to the meet someone and that person refuses to listen him. Its violation, member can move the privilege motion.
But members also misuse there privilege too.

v)         LEGISLATION:                                                       (قانون سازی)
This is basic job of parliament to make laws for better governance. Every party makes laws according to their agenda. The laws makers make the draft, send to the national assembly, then send to the house. If there are bad laws then parliament has to amend those laws. The basic purpose of parliament is good governance for people. Las are drafted by laws ministry on the direction of the government. After the process of drafts completed then it goes to federal ministry to debate, discussion and then approval, then goes to national assembly then laws goes to house committee on laws. For further discussion senate and national assembly both have separate committee on laws. Senate will hold debate and after that approval the bill will go to president for signing bills are originated by law ministry. If he did not sign it will became act for the parliament and no more a bill. Bills are originated by laws ministry.

Difference between ordinance and law:
Ordinance is for a short period only for six month. But laws come through a proper process and is a permanent feature. Ordinance is against the law.

            In Pakistan financial years start from 1st of July to 30 June (next year).
Budget speech is done by the Finance Minister and it always have two parts, one for the overall budget and other for the target of expenditure and revenue.
Budget has to go for proper legislative process after speech, and then copy of bill is send to senate…..
Senators can make certain proposals and can be added in the bill and national will to add them or not.

vii)       NO TRUST OR NO CONFIDENCE MOTION: (تحریک عدم اعتماد)
Three persons in cover house. Prime Minister, Speaker and Deputy Speaker and in upper house, chairman, speaker, house first conduct full flag discuss of it before. Noting it is not passed it is a big news. If prime minister, speaker, deputy speaker disobey constitution then this motion is taken only in national assembly, because there are elected by parliament. Noting even it is not passed it is a big news. After the debate speaker give change to speak, if the motion is passed then he loss his seat.
For example, in 1989 no trust motion was created against Banezer.

viii)      IMPEACHMENT MOTION:                     (مواخذہ)  
Impeachment motion can move only against the president if he violated the constitution. If president is morally corrpt or then opposition move this motion. If it is adopted then president less his office.
Impeachment motion is taken on grounds of moral values. And is taken in both the houses of parliament.
Ghulam Muhammad was the 2nd Governor General of Pakistan and was removed from post because he lost his senses.

Speeches and debates are permanent features of the parliament numbers of the parliament speak under certain rules. There is different in pubic meeting and parliament proceedings. Speak point of order (permission to speak) to speak on point of order. There are certain rules and there is a rule book. That book is called rules of procedure and conduct of business. Book carries certain articles. Members speak on certain issues. Time to time parliament holds debates on different issues. For example, may be on crisis, prices or any other issue. When certain restrictions are there then senate holds debates.


It comprises of all members of parliament, opposition cooperation is sort in it. News or information is released by the office of speaker.

This committee was created before 15 years and has presentation from all major parties in parliament. Maulana Fazal-ur-Rahman is head of this committee. It’s also called Kashmir Committee.

Opposition leader outside the parliament is more active and remains quite busy either in the senate or national assembly. They hold meeting, receive delegations etc. He has a separate room. Anti government news releases by the chamber of opposition leader.

Public accounts committee is the most powerful committee, Committee is responsible for the accounting of the government expenditure. A senior parliamentary member is appointed by speaker as its head. It’s a constitutional office and carries the audit. Military General also goes there. Committee holds its meetings and summons the relevant office of the ministry.

v)         LOBBIES:
“Such area that adjacent in the hall of parliament, where all members of national assembly relaxed and sit and interesting stories take place. Reporters also cover the lobby activities.

There is any party tat is not belong to ruling party take place meeting to keep in government in trouble.

P.M. have a chamber in parliament and held crucial meeting. Prime minister is the leader of the house and his chamber is always very busy. News take place from his chamber.

It is opened in only one time in one year, when president is invited in parliament to address the session. Chamber is on the fourth floor of parliamentary building. But Musharaf did a unique thing he visit his chamber many time.

            All ministers have his own chamber. 
During lengthy sessions ministers take break and go to their chambers.

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